Automotive Repair

  • How often does a transmission need to be repaired?

    man in car

    Whether you’ve never had any trouble out of your transmission, or you are all too familiar with transmission issues, you may wonder how often a transmission requires repair. In truth, it really just depends. There are hundreds of different transmissions, some more reliable than others, with different levels of stress demanded of them. Age, mileage, type, and usage are all aspects of the transmission condition.

  • How Often Should you Change the Gear Oil in a Manual Transmission?

    transmission gears

    You know how often to change your engine oil; but what about the gear oil in your standard shift transmission? Here’s a short guide, from Westerville Automotive in Westerville.

  • How Often Should You Rotate Your Tires?

    tire on vehicle

    “Tire rotation” is a term you hear frequently in the realm of vehicle maintenance, but what does it actually mean? How often should you have it done? Westerville Automotive in Westerville has the answers you’re looking for.

  • How To Get More Miles Per Gallon

    gas tanks

    At Westerville Automotive in Westerville, efficiency is a concept that interests us. While your fuel economy is largely dependent on what kind of car, truck, or SUV you drive, there are a variety of tips and tricks to get the most bang for your buck. We’ve provided a few of our favorites here.

  • How To Protect Your Transmission Investment

    At Westerville Automotive in Westerville, OH, we know your car, truck, or SUV is far more than just a vehicle. It’s a lifeline...getting you to work, your kids to school, carrying groceries, and taking you anywhere you need to go. It’s also a huge investment, and one worth protecting.
  • How To Rainproof Your Windshield

    windshield with water droplets on it

    At Westerville Automotive in Westerville, we understand that safety and driving comfort are largely dependent on truck maintenance. Driving in the rain can be a hassle, especially if your vehicle isn’t prepared.

  • How To Test Your Shocks


    Ride quality is an essential part of your driving experience. At Westerville Automotive in Westerville, we strive to keep your car, truck, or SUV as smooth and comfortable to drive as the day it came off the lot. Your shock absorbers play a huge role in ride quality; here’s what you should know.

  • How Transmission Leaks are Detected

    mechanic working on vehicle on lift

    Transmission fluid leaks can often be a pain to track down. If you have a leaky transmission, Westerville Automotive in Westerville, OH has some information for you on what you can expect. We’ve repaired countless leaky transmissions, and now we’re here to share some of our knowledge with you.

  • How Valve Adjustments Can Keep Your Vehicle Going

    valves on a vehicle

    At Westerville Automotive in Westerville, OH, our main goal is to keep your car, truck, or SUV always performing at its best. Valve adjustments are an integral aspect of that goal.

  • Hydraulic Basics To Keep You Running

    mechanic messing with a tire on a lifted car

    The operation of your transmission depends on your hydraulics. Even if that sounds like a foreign language to you, at Westerville Automotive in Westerville, OH, we speak the automotive language. We want you to understand what we're talking about, so here are the basics of the hydraulic functions behind your transmission.

  • If it's hot, cool it down & avoid high repair costs! EASY!

    car broke down calling for help

    Repairs are costly and we all want to avoid them including our team here at Westerville Automotive!  It's our job and we take it seriously.  Here, it is all about keeping your car or truck serviced and looking for problems "before" they happen to avoid those high repair costs and ensuring you avoid any breakdowns when it's hot outside or cold outside as either is a problem for our Westerville drivers!  Nobody can forsee a flat tire or blowout due to running over a nail, but we can avoid some of the regular issues we see all the time such as....

  • If Your Airbag Light Is On, Have it Taken Care of ASAP

    deployed airbag in car

    At Westerville Automotive in Westerville, we believe it’s important for you to know how different systems in your car, truck, or SUV operate. Whether you want to know what to watch out for, or you’re just curious about how things work, we’re here to supply the answers.

  • Increase Your Fuel Efficiency

    fuel gauge on car

    Getting into the habit of saving on fuel now will mean you’ll be ready when prices start hitting the $4.00-gallon mark once again. You don’t have to buy a new, fuel-efficient car, either. No one wants to trade a fuel bill for a car payment, so take a look at our top 5 ways to save on fuel and you may just be able to pocket a little extra money at the end of the month.

  • Is it a bad brake master cylinder or something else

    mechanic repairing brakes on a vehicle

    The time to know if your brakes are going bad is NOT when you go to stop at that red light or on the parkway when someone suddenly swerves in front of you.  It's not always "just" brake pads either, your brake master cylinder could be an issue. How do you recognize the signs that you have a real problem with your brake master cylinder and just what is it?   Here atWesterville Automotive in Westerville, OH we not only have the answers, but we also put together a service schedule for you and keep an eye on issues based on your driving habits, vehicle type and your description of issues you are having.  We treat your car, truck or SUV as if it were ours keeping you informed of issues we find so you can get them fixed "before" there are larger repair bills so you can keep your vehicle Newer - Longer!   Below is everything you need to look for and tips on your brake master cylinder.

  • Is it Okay to Downshift to Slow Down?


    If you drive a car with a manual transmission, you’ve undoubtedly been told that you’re supposed to downshift to slow down, instead of relying completely on the brakes. But what is the science behind that, and does it matter? Westerville Automotive in Westerville explains.

  • Is it okay to shift into park before stopping?

    Car in Park

    The key to maintaining a healthy transmission is understanding how it works. Here’s the rundown on shifting your car, truck, or SUV into park before it stops, from the professional technicians at Westerville Automotive in Westerville.

  • Is it Time for New Brakes?

    brake pads

    Sometimes, it’s obvious when you need new brakes and sometimes it isn’t. Knowing what to look for and what causes issues will help keep you safe and remind you of when you should get your brakes checked out. Here are some symptoms of bad brakes, and what causes the issue from Westerville Automotive in Westerville, OH.

  • Is It Time For Your Vehicle To Get A New Water Pump?

    water pump

    “Water pump” is a term you’ve most likely heard in conversations about vehicles. But what is it, what does it actually do, and how do you know if you need a new one? At Westerville Automotive in Westerville, we know the answers to these questions, and soon you will too.

  • Is It Time To Replace Your Ball Joints?

    separated ball joint that needs to be replaced

    We know you’re busy. At Westerville Automotive in Westerville, OH, we also know that while there are certain issues with your car, truck, or SUV you can ignore for a while, some of them shouldn’t wait. While serious issues are often obvious, sometimes they aren’t - ball joints are one such case.

  • Is It Time To Replace Your Weather-Stripping?

    open door

    At Westerville Automotive in Westerville, we know that a huge part of the ride quality of your car, truck, or SUV is how well it keeps road and engine noises out of the passenger compartment. Few things are more annoying on a long commute or road trip than the drone of tires on pavement, the constant sound of your car battling the air outside, loud semi-trucks, and so on.

  • Jasper
  • Aaa
  • Ase Master
  • Napaservcice
  • NAPA AutoCare Center
  • Acdelco
  • Asa
  • BBB
  • Be Car Care Aware
  • BF Goodrich
  • Bridgestone Firestone
  • Cooper Tires
  • Customer Savings
  • Fleet Services
  • Goodyear
  • Michelin
  • Motorcraft Parts
  • State Inspection
  • Synchrony
  • Tires
  • Valvoline
  • Honor Flight

5591 Westerville Rd
| Westerville, OH

(614) 890-0707
MON-FRI | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Weekends | 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

31 E Main St
| Westerville, OH

(614) 890-6700
MON-FRI | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Weekends | 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM